Sunday, October 16, 2016

BitWalking: Walk to Generate Wealth & Sports & Fitness Tech Summit

The thought of walking to generate digital currency has been brought up numerous times especially at Games for Health conferences in the past. It even fits nicely with what Ben Sawyer described as the Healthy Gamer Record or profile that integrates health data, health care providers, and gamer profiles. Now with the ubiquity of step tracking (via #smartwatches) having a separate #fitnesstracker is not as big of an issue.  Now the million dollar question, can we use this technology to encourage behavior change amongst a specific user group (i.e gamers) and will there be a larger group that could benefit from using it as well?

At the upcoming Sports & Fitness Tech Summit in Liverpool, these topics might be discussed as it related to the Health & Fitness space. Interestingly, many of the topics mentioned match my research interests including Health Tech, Virtual Reality and Big Data. This looks like a good one to attend!

Click here to read more of ExerGame Lab's archived posts involving research studies. 

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