Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Fair Play #ShareTheDerby #Exergaming Coke

Sharing a drink with a rival fan is not something we typically do.  At last year's World Cup, Coke commissioned the Fair Play video vending machines that gave away free Cokes, as long as you pressed the button at the same time.

Buzz Click here to read more of ExerGame Lab's archived posts involving exergaming advertising installations

Monday, June 22, 2015

Night Bright Nocturnal Interactive Discovery

Although this is an old post, it is a great example of using gaming technology (Kinect) to promote exploration and learning. In this immersive exergaming experience,  participants are encouraged to move and interact with the digital environment that respond to them. For example, "Some creatures will also only come out when the forest is quiet, so you have to listen for the sounds they make to locate them."

Night Bright is an interactive installation by @design_io of nocturnal discovery #openframeworks | CreativeApplications.Net:

'via Blog this'

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Virtual Reality Fitness: The latest fitness craze?

Over at CNN, there is a news piece about "Virtual Reality" Fitness featuring full room projectors while people are spinning. This form of exergaming has been around for many years and has taken many forms and names. There have been plenty of "immersive fitness" rooms that have used bikes, steppers, punching bags, treadmills, rowing machines, dance pads, and more. Of course to provide a "balanced" view, the report switches to a personalized CrossFit individual workout to compare the experiences. Now of course you're going to get a different viewpoint from a group-based workout, especially from the personal trainer working with indvidual clients.

Immersive Fitness is new initiative from fitness guru Les Mills and is available in Hong Kong, London, Paris, Stockholm, and Sant Monica.

Click here to read more of ExerGame Lab's archived posts involving research studies. 

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