Friday, March 30, 2012

Trampoline ExerGame Exertion Interface: Bouncing to better health

Changing the way we move and just plain moving more is central to better health, and this exergaming / exertion interface concept from the Entertainment Computing Lab at the University of Tsukba definitely gets us moving in the right direction.  It looks to be a refinement of an earlier system they developed call the Versatile Training Field. I really liked the part of the game where you could continue to bounce higher by quick successive jumps - which kind of reminds me of the mobile game "Sheep Launcher". Bounce On Friends!

Be sure to check our some of their past projects here.

Click here to explore more of ExerGame Lab's archived posts involving research studies. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pac-Man Nutrition Infographic

@JoeyFeith from posted this great Nutrition Poster using classic Pac Man characters and I think its such a smart way to present content in a visually appealing format (well at least for us older folk who grew up playing classic arcade and video games).    PDF

Gaming is Good for You (Infographic)

Source: Frugal Dad

Click here to explore more of ExerGame Lab's archived posts involving research studies. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

ExerGame Workshop at AAHPERD 2012 Rocked

We had a great morning with all the presenters and attendees discovering the many faces of exergaming and ways to implement them into any curriculum to accomplish your intended learning outcomes (specific learning outcomes/ objectives) which should be the main focus of any lesson/unit plan.

From no or little technology or to full blown exergaming systems, our star-studded cast of presenters helped attendees to feel the difference when some form of technology is used appropriately.

A special thank you to the teacher-candidates and student-teachers from SUNY Cortland who came a day earlier than the rest of the gang to help lead games, give suggestions for using technology, and be so supportive of all the presenters. They're already talking about making North Carolina in 2013 even better!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

PE Exergame Workshop @ Bull Sox Academy

We are all super excited to be participating in the 1st PE Exergame Workshop to the Phil Lawler (DuPage County) PE Institute Day (Naperville, IL) on March 2, 2012. 

Lots of great people in a top notch facility for sports and exergaming (Bulls/Sox Academy)

 Presenters Include
·         Dan Lawler, Ph. D. - Retired Principal
·         Stephen P. Yang, Ph. D.-ABD - SUNY Cortland 
·         Lisa Witherspoon, Ph. D. – University of South Florida
·         Ernie Medina, Jr., Dr. PH, CHFS – Preventative Medicine Specialist
·         George Velarde – California Physical Educator of the Year
·         Sharon Warren – Polar Electro Education
·         Dave Kurland – Chicago Bulls Director

Purpose: Professional Development / Exergame Education Workshop for PE teachers, Administrators, Superintendants. School and After-School programs. Non-Profits. Foundations.
Description: This Professional Development / Exergame Education Workshop shows you the exciting possibilities of how using technology, combined with games and physical activity, can enhance and enrich the lives of generations.
The workshop will be located at the state-of-the-art Chicago Bulls Sox Training Academy in Lisle, IL, featuring the best Exergaming / Active Game facility in the world.
Teachers who attend the pre-conference will hear information from leaders in the field about how ExerGaming can help educators to be even more effective in reaching our youth. Participants will find this full-day ExerGaming pre-conference fun, educational, and invaluable in helping to promote high-quality physical education and physical activity to maximize the educational experience.
Topics include:
·         Medical view on how a sedentary lifestyle is impacting our children with life-long disease.
·         A successful School and Community Model overview, showing results of improved academics, improved disciplinary incidents, and improved health and fitness scores.
·         Implementing Technology and Exergaming in your facility. Putting knowledge into practice.
·         How do we prove it is working? Using technology to revolutionize physical education.
·         Time in vs. Time Out. Help students with ADHD and other behavior issues decrease impulsivity and improve learning. Explains the physiology of the attention system.
·         Quality teaching in a Physical Education setting, which meets the NASP standards and promotes lifelong fitness.

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