Scholarly Publications
Bofoli, N., Gasperetti, B., Milford, M., Blanchard, D., Yang, S.P., Lieberman, L., Foley, J.T. (2012). Enjoyment Levels of Youth with Visual Impairments While Playing Different Exergames. INSIGHT: Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness
Oh, Y., Yang, S.P. (2010). Defining Exergames & Exergaming. Meaningful Play 2010 Conference Paper. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
Gasperetti, B., Milford, M., Blanchard, D., Yang, S.P., Lieberman, L., Foley, J.T. (2010). Dance Dance Revolution and EyeToy Kinetic modifications for youth with visual impairments. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 81(4), 15-17.
Columna, L., Arndt, K., Lieberman, L., Yang, S.P. (2009). Using online videos for disability awareness. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 80(8), 19-24. (Submitted July 25, 2008 – Accepted January 13, 2009 – Published October 2009).
Yang, S.P., Smith B.K., Graham, G.M. (2008). Healthy video gaming: an oxymoron or possibility? Innovate,4 (4). Retrieved from [PDF]
Yang, S.P., Graham, G.M. (2006). Exergames: being physically active while playing video games. EKIBOLOS (Biannual bulletin of the Hellenic Academy of Physical Education), 4, 5-6.
Symons Downs, D., Graham, G.M., Yang, S.P., Bargainnier, S.S., Vasil, J. (2006). Youth exercise intention and past exercise behavior: examining the moderating influences of sex and meeting exercise recommendations. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 77(1), 91-99.
Yang, S.P., Vasil, J., Graham, G.M., Elliott, E., Manross, M. (2002). Log It: using pedometers and the WWW to increase physical activity levels in grade 5 West Virginia schoolchildren. North American Web Conference Proceedings, Fredericton, N.B. Canada. Available at
Yang, S.P. (2001). Problem-based learning on the World Wide Web in undergraduate kinesiology: an integrative approach to education. Master of Science Thesis. University of New Brunswick, Canada.
Book Chapters
Yang, S.P., Foley, J.T. (2011) Exergames Get Kids Moving, In Gray, T. & Silver-Pacuilla, H. (Eds.) Breakthrough teaching and learning: How educational and assistive technologies are driving innovation. Springer Publishing.
Coshott, R, Medina, E., Yang, S., Shasek, J., Duncan, M. (2011). Introduction to Physical Education. In Gamercize School Handbook – Your Guide to Implementing Active Gaming Technology. 1st Edition. (Non peer-reviewed). Retrieved from: [PDF]
Published Abstracts (Peer-Reviewed)
Abbott, M., McElroy, C., Ruocco,J., Yang, S.P., Joy L. Hendrick,J.L., Hokanson,J., Buckenmeyer, P., Bauer,J. (2011). Wii Fit Exergaming = Lower Exertion, Similar Heart-Rate, and Energy Expenditure. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 82(1 Supplement), A-11.
Gasperetti, B., Foley, J. T., Yang, S. P., Columna, L., Lieberman, L. (2011). Comparison of Three Exergames Played by Youth with Visual Impairments. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 82(1 Supplement), A-70.
Yang, S.P., Treece, J.L., Miklas, C., Graham. G.M. (2009) Physical activity, sedentary, and exergaming time in a PEP school. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80 (1 Supplement).
Yang, S.P., Foley, J.T. (2008). Comparison of MVPA while playing DDR and EyeToy. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79 (1 Supplement), A-17.
Konukman, F., Stratton, R., Graham, G.M., Petrakis, E., Krouscas, J., Vasil, J., Yang, S.P., Agbuga, B., Yilmaz, I., Bayrak, C. (2007). Effects of multimedia computer assisted instruction on teaching tennis content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in a PETE program. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 78 (1 Supplement), A-64.
Yang, S.P., Smith B.K., (2005). Sweatin’ with Nintendo: exergaming for health. Games, Learning & Society Conference Proceedings, p. 60. Madison, Wisconsin.
Yang, S.P., Graham, G.M. (2005). Project GAME (Gaming Activities for More Exercise). Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76 (1 Supplement), A-96.
Konukman, F., Stratton, R., Graham, G.M., Petrakis, E., Krouscas, J., Vasil, J., Yang, S.P., Zorba, E., Yilmaz, I., Agbuga, B. (2005). Effects of multimedia computer-assisted instruction on tennis skill and task analysis in a physical education teacher education program. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76(1 Supplement), A-79
Yang, S.P., Symons Downs, D., Graham, G.M., Vasil, J., Bargainnier, S.S. (2004). Baseline measures of screen time and physical activity in a PEP school: mutually exclusive? Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75 (1 Supplement), A-87.
Yang, S.P., Vasil, J., Graham, G.M., Elliott, E., Manross, M. (2004). Log It: an analysis of a website designed to increase physical activity levels in grade 5 students. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75 (1 Supplement), A-87.
Symons Downs, D., Graham, G.M., Yang, S.P., Bargainnier, S.S., Vasil, J. (2004). Examining psychosocial and cognitive determinants of exercise intention and behavior among youth meeting and not meeting the current exercise guidelines. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75 (1 Supplement), A-90.
Yang, S.P., Graham, G.M. (2004). A review of school-based physical activity interventions in youth. National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (NAPEHE) HMS, Volume VI. Clearwater, FL.
Yang, S.P. (2003) Review of the website Log It using the theory of planned behavior. Physical Activity & Teacher Education Seminar Proceedings. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Yang, S.P., Sexsmith, J.R. (2002). Integrating problem based learning on the World Wide Web in undergraduate kinesiology. PBL Conference Proceedings, Baltimore, MD.
Yang, S.P. (2001). Problem based learning on the World Wide Web in undergraduate kinesiology: an integrative approach to education. Graduate Student Association Research Conference Paper. University of New Brunswick, Canada.