Exergaming Points to Ponder (ExP2P)
- How many shirts will teens have?
- Do the shirts have attachments to a detachable pod like (Sensoria)?
- Does the shirt have to be synced to a mobile device at all times?
- Will this be a RCT across multiple countries and age groups?
- Will schools/classes be stratified according to socioeconomic status?
- I think it would be great to have some North American comparison groups.
BTW - This sentence is music to my ears!

SmartLife project aims to create a mobile game that requires lower body movement, and is personalized by physiological feedback measured by smart textiles. To date, no serious games exist that personalize the game play by real-time feedback on achievement of the target behaviour. Personalization via smart textiles can present a game challenge achievable for the current fitness level of the player and can adjust this based on activity levels during game play. This approach can improve current exergames to achieve a higher level of intensity in physical activity, needed to create a health impact, and can do so taking into account what is achievable for the person and hence reduce drop-out and injury risks.
Energy-related behaviours (physical activity, sedentary behaviour) are main modifiable determinants of several non-communicable health conditions, e.g. diabetes type 2, overweight and obesity, and track into adulthood. Promoting these behaviours among youngsters can have great health and societal gains. Meeting recommended levels for these behaviours is especially low among adolescents, girls and those of lower socio-economic status. An intervention to promote energy related behaviours among adolescents is thus indicated, and may also address social inclusion. Exergames, which require movement to be played, have great yet underused potential to promote these behaviours. To fully utilise this potential, exergames need to promote moderate-to-vigorous physical activity; need to be tailored to the individual user; and need to be more engaging.
The SmartLife project aims to create such an exergame. The SmartLife exergame will be:
- A mobile game requiring lower body movements;
- Combined with a smart textile that provides immediate physiological feedback (e.g. heartrate, respiration) and ensures exercises are performed at a moderate-to-vigorous intensity level;
- Tailored to individual user’s needs, using the smart textile data, and based on available evidence and big data analysis;
- Highly engaging, e.g. by adding a narrative and context information, and using user input throughout the design (‘participatory development’).
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