Thursday, October 30, 2014

Eco-Cam Recycling #Exergaming With a Twist

Committing to sustainability and environmental healthy practices is an important component of wellness and this installation called Eco-Cam certainly could help to promote environmental health. Using a vending machine type installation WondermanBA created an installation that required people to twist water bottles in front of a camera. The camera records your act of eco-kindness and posts it to social media to prove that flexing your muscles can be fun and earth-friendly.

Via Bonaqua and Adeevee

Click here to read more of ExerGame Lab's archived posts involving advertising installations

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

DYOG i-stapps #exergaming

Develop Your Own Game (DYOG) using Nyon's hardware connected to your smartphone or tablet to get your kids (or yourself) more active). As an open-source Kickstarter campaign that only got about 10% to their goal (€245,000), i-Stapps had about 10 games that was to be included in the initial shipment. In many ways it sounds simlar to the Swinxs game system that is also programmable and open-souce. I have to admit that I think it would be fun to program the pads with my kids while using their own imagination.

Via Kickstarter and i-stapps

Click here to read more of ExerGame Lab's archived posts involving research studies. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Thank you Tweeps & Blog Readers - #10kTweet

I just wanted to take this time and space to thank all of my Twitter Followers (@syangman), readers to my blogs (, and other social media accounts for such a great opportunity to share with you my journey of growth and discovery. In honor of my 10,000th Tweet I've changed my Twitter background image to include many of you who I connect with on Twitter frequently. Unfortunately, some of the profile pictures are not viewable, so I am including the image below. Please do not be upset if your photo is not there, as I did not have any control how images were included; but rest assured to know that your feedback and updates are valued. I look forward to connecting with more like-minded souls and organizations and to sharing more of my discoveries and experience in using technology to improve health and wellness. Hail & Health!
Stephen P. Yang

Click here to read more of ExerGame Lab's archived posts involving research studies. 

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