Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wii Fit U coming in 2013

Pokewalker (Photo credit: miggslives)
Linking physical activity away from an exergame or other non-mobile connected device has been a scenario that has not been explored but holds plenty of promise. As Zamzee's recent findings, having an accelerometer and access to a social network where rewards are given out based on activity levels showed a significant increase (60%) in PA than the control group that did not have access to the website. Using a new pedometer dubbed the Fit Meter (see Pokewalker for DS), Nintendo will be releasing Wii Fit U in 2013. If the device looks familiar, it should and it appears it will interface with the Wii U controller via infrared sensors like the Pokewalker did with the DS. Will U Buy It?
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Self-discrepancy and regulatory fit in avatar-based exergames (Study)

Wii Fit
Wii Fit (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Drawing from Higgins's self-discrepancy theory and regulatory focus theory, this study examined the use of activated selves and regulatory foci in health games. Utilizing the Wii's® avatar-creating and exergaming features, a 2 (activated self: actual self versus ideal self) × 2 (regulatory focus: promotion versus prevention) × 2 (efficacy appeals: self-efficacy versus response-efficacy) between-subjects experiment tested the interactions of activated selves, regulatory foci, and efficacy appeals on low-calorie dieting intentions after health game playing. Results from an experiment with 156 participants demonstrated that a fit between regulatory focus and efficacy appeals induced greater dieting intentions when the actual self was activated while the opposite effect occurred when the ideal self was activated. Theoretical contributions to basic and applied social psychology as well as managerial implications for consumer behavior research are considered.

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