Friday, March 21, 2014

FIVIS: Bicycle Safety Simulator #exergame

Bicycle safety just got a lot more safe and enjoyable with the FIVIS: Bicycle Simulator #exergame Project. This is a German project from the Institute of Visual Computing at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University.

Exergaming Points to Ponder (ExP2P)
  • Seeing Oculus Rift's recent rise in fame (featured previously) you could really minimize costs be just using the Oculus Rift and not need to have the multi display units. In fact you would have near 360 degrees of vision unlike the near 180 degrees with the FIVIS.
  • At some point it would be neat to see eye-tracking data or incorporate a slightly unstable bike system to determine more realistic road conditions (especially of steering with only one hand, and varying road conditions and elevations/pitch).
  • What about capturing heart-rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, and hormone stress levels or EEG? All interesting possibilites and always lots of questions. 
If you have seen any other projects or simulators, please leave a comment for me in this blog or reach me on Twitter:

FIVIS: Bicycle Simulator - YouTube:
The objective of the FIVIS project is to develop a bicycle simulator which is able to simulate real life bicycle ride situations as a virtual scenario within an immersive environment. A sample test bicycle is mounted on a motion platform to enable a close to reality simulation of turns and balance situations. The visual field of the bike rider is enveloped within a multi-screen visualization environment which provides visual data relative to the motion and activity of the test bicycle. This implies the bike rider has to pedal and steer the bicycle as they would a traditional bicycle, while forward motion is recorded and processed to control the visualization. Furthermore, the platform is fed with real forces and accelerations that have been logged by a mobile data acquisition system during real bicycle test drives. Thus, using a feedback system makes the movements of the platform reflect the virtual environment and the reaction of the driver (e.g. steering angle, step rate).
Click here to explore more of ExerGame Lab's archived posts involving research studies. 

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