Another game that was featured last year is the Sony PS3 title EyePet featuring the PS3 Eye. It is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of using augmented reality in game consoles. We've seen AR in other technologies, but over the next few years there will be dozens of new games and consoles that will take advantage of this emerging and potentially "disruptive technology". Not to be confused with Chia Pet, Pet Rock, or Tamagotchi (たまごっち) the PS3 EyePet looks to tap into our nurturing personalities. Maybe all families should have to take care of an EyePet prior to getting a real pet. With a lat 2009 release date, you'll have plenty of time to draw toys for it, roll oranges at its feet and clap to wake it up. It looks like they've incorporated the same technology from Camspace.
[Via Kotaku and Joystiq]

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