Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Games For Health 2012 Pre-Conference #gfh12

There is lots going on here in Boston for the Annual Games for Health Conference. Here is a feed from all those tweeting out with the #gfh12 hastag and pictures will be uploaded soon as well. Wish you could be here, but if not, you'll get a glimpse of the many (400) people that will be attending the conference over the next 3 days!

Alec Gourley (BitGym Co-Founder) at the Games for Health 2012 in Boston June 13-14, 2012, www.bitgym.com @acgourley
Alec has a long history of athletics and a longer history of video games. When he moved to San Francisco the only regular exercise he could find involved a treadmill, and so he began investigating how to take the best elements of sports and bring it them to cardiovascular machines. Before founding Active Theory he ran Loopt's internal metrics and analytics, worked on a source-code search engine at Krugle and lead a team building an autonomous vehicle at UC Davis.

Doris Rusc from Depaul University demo's Zombie Yoga at Games for Health 2012 in Boston, MA on June 14, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Thx for this, Steven! Wish I could be there...saw familiar faces...miss ya'll! Will look for the updates when we get back since I'll be off the grid for most of our trip leaving tomorrow.

    Send everyone my greetings!!!


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