Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Wii U Your Shape Fitness #Exergaming Evolved 2013 (E3)

Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2013, unveiled in parts at E3 will allow players (exercisers) to create a personalized fitness program lasting up to four weeks, where you choose workout frequency and tailor it to your current fitness level and preferences. It will have 125 different workouts and 215 moves, although I'm not sure how many the previous versions had. Players can also connect online with friends to compete and collaborate their way to fitness. Notice the integration of Wii U GamePad where you get to call up game options and network with your online exergame workout partners.
Exergaming Points To Ponder (P2P)

  • Will the GamePad provide assistance or tutorials on how to perform the movment or play the game as @DDRDiva mentioned, and as featured in the Wii Fit U (also revealed at E3)
  • "Sarak aime ton status" is French for Sarah likes your status so there's the obvious social networking feature being incorporated. I'm not sure if the current network that boasts a pretty big user base has this feature.
  • I like the jump in feature where a player can join the action without having to re-start the game.
  • I also like how the calories you burned appears (and the people in your challenge) on screen - but does calories burned equal the points you earned in-game?

Click here to explore more of ExerGame Lab's archived posts involving virtual trainers.

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