Aaron Coleman (Small Steps Lab
@SmallStepsLabs) was able pull step data from his Fitbit which could be redeemed within his Flappy Bird-like game (Tappy Fit) as wider gaps between pipes.
Tappy Fit Channels Flappy Bird Addiction Into Fitness Motivation Using Fitbit Data | TechCrunch:
The use of tracking data and having the accumulated steps, motion or points influence how you play a game has been discussed and profiled extensively at the Games for Health Conference (Full Disclosure: I am a Contributor to the Games for Health Project). Using an alternate fitness tracker like the Fitbit (or any number of the new fitness trackers (Nike+ Fuelband, Garmin, Basis, Withings Pulse, Fitbug, Jawbone, Misfit, Healbe GoBe), the sensors on a mobile device (GPS, accelerometer, gyrometer, WiFi, BT), or other pervasive activity trackers - the potential to impact health supporting behaviors is tremendous.
Exergaming Points 2 Ponder (ExP2P)
- In the Techcrunch article, Coleman is quoted saying "As for how original this project is, Coleman notes that while there are lots of games that track your fitness and are designed to gamify workouts, this is the only example he can think of that uses your sum total movement over a certain period to influence gameplay after the fact."; however, I would refine that statement by saying that Tappy Fit is probably the first to use Fitbit data to influence gameplay as there have been several examples of physical activity accumulation influencing gameplay in the past. Most notably Zamzee, Zyked, Rhythmatics, ZombieRun 2, Goldwalker, PokeWalker, Fitocracy, and ME2.
- At the GFH Project we believe that to influence behavior change towards a healthier and more active lifestyle (i.e. population) will come at the intersection of sensors, social networking, health care and games. I have included a slide that was presented at the Continue Alliance Fall Meeting 2010 in Seoul, South Korea.
If you have more examples of devices that capture activity or engagement, that in turn influences a game (mobile or console), please comment below or contact me on Twitter (@syangman).
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