I spotted this RCT trial from Taiwan that studied how much enjoyment university students had while playing the exergame Your Shape: Fitness Evolved for Xbox 360.
Sample: 337 participants (168 intervention group, 167 control group)
Population: Mean age 20 years
Methods: RCT, 2 sessions over 2 weeks, 30 minutes per session

Measurements: vigor, happiness, and stress
Intervention group had higher levels of vigor from the start to the end of the study.
Exergaming Points 2 Ponder (ExP2P)
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Sample: 337 participants (168 intervention group, 167 control group)
Population: Mean age 20 years
Methods: RCT, 2 sessions over 2 weeks, 30 minutes per session

Measurements: vigor, happiness, and stress
Intervention group had higher levels of vigor from the start to the end of the study.
Exergaming Points 2 Ponder (ExP2P)
- After playing YourShape: Fitness Evolved I still hold PS2 EyeToy Kinectic as the top of the whole body exergaming genre. Although it is a step up from the YourSelf Fitness (Wii), it still doesn't compare to actually seeing you actually moving and interacting with virtual objects (and without VR headsets).
- I wonder if they (Sony) own the actual patent for that feature?
- I wonder if we will ever see ourselves instead of an avatar?
To examine how playing exergames impacts the mood states of university students and staff, and whether such an impact depends on gender and players' previous exercise time. This study was designed as a randomized controlled trial. It enrolled 337 participants and randomly assigned them to an intervention group (n = 168) or a control group (n = 167). A 2-week exergame program was designed for the participants in the intervention group. They were required to play exergames for 30 consecutive minutes each week for 2 weeks and respond to the items measuring vigor, happiness, and perceived stress. All measures were administered before and after the study. Repeated measures analysis of variances were conducted. Playing exergames enhanced vigor and happiness for participants in the intervention group. This group exhibited more positive change in vigor and happiness than the control group. This effect of playing exergames was not moderated by gender, age, occupation (student or staff), or previous exercise time. Playing exergames may induce positive mood states among university students and staff.Impact of Playing Exergames on Mood States: A Randomized Controlled Trial
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