Thursday, May 6, 2010

Games For Health 2010 Psych-Up and Sock-Hop

DSC00360 In less than 3 weeks we will putting the wraps on the biggest and best Games for Health Conference in Boston, MA. With 6 different tracks including ExerGaming/Active Gaming, Games for Sensorimotor Rehab, Cognitive & Emotional Health and more, there will be plenty to see and do. Be sure to follow me on Twitter (@syangman) and this blog for more exciting details of the G4H 2010 and be sure to use the hastag #GFH2010. Check out some highlights from last year’s conference and many of the great speakers we had lined up. 

This year’s line-up is massive especially with Dr. Richard Marks giving the Keynote on Opening Day. His talk called “The Mind-Body Experience of Sony Move: Relationships between Gaming, Play, Exercise, and More!” will explore the many hurdles Sony's developers faced trying to follow-up on the success of EyeToy and adding new peripherals for improved game-play.
Get pumped for the G4H10 & Games Beyond Entertainment Week May 24-27, 2010 in Boston.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Stephen,

    Hope to see you at the conference! BTW, the hashtag is #GFH2010, if you want to share with your network.

    Thank you,

    Carrie Barnes
    ELISE communications


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