This paper was completed several years ago as a report for Sport and Recreation New Zealand but its always good to see the published paper. Energy Expenditure and Enjoyment During Nintendo® Wii Active Video Games (AVG): How do they compare to other sedentary and physical activities?
- within-subjects design, n=26 (boys), ~ 11 years old
- Categorized into ‘non-users’ (NU), ‘non-frequent users’ (NF) or ‘frequent users’ (FU)
- Played Wii games (bowl, box, tennis, ski, step) for 8 minutes
- 60-190% EE increase above rest
- NSD between walking and AVG (Ski, box, step)
- AVG not intense enough to contribute to 60 minutes of daily MVPA
Points 2 Ponder (P2P)
- Given the following statement about intensity, it would have been nice to see a table of the differences of the three groups (NU, NF, FU).
- "EE during all AVGs was significantly less than EE
- during self-paced running. This suggests that even the mostactive AVGs are still performed at a relatively low intensity (≤3 METs) compared to traditional weight baring exercise." (pg 133)
- Although it was noted "The frequency of AVG game play had no effect on metabolic responses during sedentary activities, walking and running or any AVG."
- If participants played with peers, would that have changed the outcomes?
- Were they allowed to choose their own level of play?
Abstract: can be found after the break:
The purpose of this study was to: (1) determine energy expenditure (EE) during a range of active video games (AVGs) and (2) determine whether EE during AVGs is influenced by gaming experience or fitness. Twenty-six boys (11.4±0.8 years) participated and performed a range of sedentary activities (resting, watching television and sedentary gaming), playing AVGs (Nintendo® Wii Bowling, Boxing, Tennis, and Wii Fit Skiing and Step), walking and running including a maximal fitness test. During all activities, oxygen uptake, heart rate and EE were determined. The AVGs resulted in a significantly higher EE compared to rest (63-190%, p≤0.001) and sedentary screen-time activities (56-184%, p≤0.001). No significant differences in EE were found between the most active video games and walking. There was no evidence to suggest that gaming experience or aerobic fitness influenced EE when playing AVGs. In conclusion, boys expended more energy during active gaming compared to sedentary activities. Whilst EE during AVG is game-specific, AVGs are not intense enough to contribute towards the 60min of daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity that is currently recommended for children.
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