Monday, May 21, 2012

#Exergame Benefits Review & Improved Body Comp Studies (SciVee)

I just came across SciVee and thought it is a great way to make science and research understandable for the masses. Although the quality of the videos can really vary, it has great potential to translate to a more informed consumer. I also love that a view of the actual paper is included and I think this would be a great way to have students break down research papers.

Maddison, R., Foley, L., Ni Mhurchu, C., Jiang, Y., Jull, A., Prapavessis, H., Hohepa, M., & Rodgers, A. (2011). Effects of active video games on body composition: a randomized controlled trial American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 94 (1), 156-163 DOI: 10.3945/ajcn.110.009142
Primack, B., Carroll, M., McNamara, M., Klem, M., King, B., Rich, M., Chan, C., & Nayak, S (2012). Role of Video Games in Improving Health-Related Outcomes : A Systematic Review American Journal of Preventive Medicine , 42 (6), 630-638 : 10.1016/j.amepre.2012.02.023

Click here to explore more of ExerGame Lab's archived posts involving research studies. 

The 8th Annual Games for Health Conference in Boston, MA at the Hyatt Harboside Hotel is June 12-14 -- under one month away!
Register today at:

Additional Games for Health Keynotes!

Constance Steinkuehler Squire, senior policy analyst for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, will discuss the opportunities for videogames to address national challenges, including those in health, health care, and biotechnology.

Bill Crounse, MD, senior director of worldwide health for Microsoft, will present “Connecting & Kinecting Health and Health Care,” which will explore how Microsoft and its partners are merging its information and game technologies to create global solutions for personal health and professional health care.

Jane McGonigal, New York Times bestselling author and co-founder of SuperBetter Labs, will highlight the design and release of SuperBetter, a game-based social application designed to help people boost personal resilience and lead healthier, longer, and more positive lives.
To see all the latest scheduled sessions please visit:
Our Schedule Block Page

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