Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Hykso Wearable Punch Sensors Exergaming

Learning how well you're doing at boxing has never really been objective, except for your coach or sparring partner. In the latest sport to get Sabremetricified, BoxingMetrics is now available through Hysko. Hysko punch trackers features the ability to track:
  • punch volume
  • punch velocity
  • identify punch type
  • workout intensity
It's interesting that Hysko purports to be the only fitness tracker that monitors in real-time workout stats but at CES PIQ Robot Blue was showing a similar product. The question that always gets asked is will this motivate others to learn or stay in boxing?

Hykso Wearable Punch Trackers Deliver Measurable Data to Help Boxers Improve Faster via Fitness Gaming:

Click here to read more of ExerGame Lab's archived posts involving boxing exergames. 

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